Bollywood actress Pooja Banerjee has announced that she will give birth to a child without getting married. According to Indian media, actress Pooja Banerjee is soon to become a mother and will have a little guest at her house in October. Is expected to arrive. It may be recalled that some time ago, the actress had a photo shoot and said that her wedding was scheduled to take place in April but the marriage could not take place due to the Corona epidemic, while now boyfriend Kanal Verma and Pooja have given birth to their first child. Pooja Banerjee, when she is about to become a mother, she not only remembers her parents again and again in her life, but she also understands the importance of parents. Actress sharing a picture of some moments she spent with her parents. Pooja Banerjee wrote: "I don't know if I will be able to go out with my parents again in the future because things have changed. However, the actress said that hisThe days of old travel will always be remembered. ”It may be recalled that a few days ago, Pooja's lap was filled in which her boyfriend Kanal Verma, relatives and his friends were also present. ITV actress Pooja Banerjee, who gained fame by playing the role of Pooja Banerjee, shared photos of her baby shower. These beautiful pictures of Pooja Banner G are being liked a lot on social media. Pooja shared many pictures of her first baby shower. Sharing the photos with family and friends on Instagram account, Pooja wrote, "I can't express these feelings in words. I am immersed in the love that everyone has given me for the first time. Thank you so much for giving Kanal Verma the first surprise. ”Pictures of these special moments of Pooja Banerjee are going viral on the internet. It should be noted that the actress had earlier said that she had married Kanal on paper.However, their wedding was to take place on April 15 due to the Corona epidemic. Pooja and Kanal had earlier said that the money collected for the wedding would be donated to the Corona Virus Fund.
Actress Pooja Banerjee announces to become unmarried mother, who is the father of the child? Terrifying revelation
byPakistan News
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