Former Indian actress Sana Khan, who recently quit Bollywood for the sake of Islam, told fans in her social media message what action changed her life. On the photo and video sharing app Instagram Sana Khan has posted a video of herself in which she addressed her fans and said, "Today I will share with you the important information that changed my life." Sana Khan said, "I am different. We have heard the statement of the scholars that this is the truth and we all know about it, but when we hear it from someone else's mouth, then we also act on it and believe in it. In his video message, he said, "We sin for a while to give ourselves pleasure or to gain fame, then it happens that the time of that happiness ends but our sins remain till the grave." Let's go together, so a littleDon't ruin your hereafter for happiness. 'In his video message, Sana Khan said,' Similarly, we often skip Tahajjud and Fajr prayers because of our sleep, as a result of which our goodness is lost. ' "I have heard all this in many statements and it has changed my life. If we all act together, both our world and the hereafter will be better," he said, posting a video on Instagram. Sana Khan wrote, "I hope this will help you all to make a positive change in your life so that you can be your real creator and the best person for the world." Sana Khan added: It depends on our worldly life. ”It should be noted that Sana Khan, a former Bollywood actress who became famous from Bigg Boss Season 6, had recently announced to leave the showbiz industry for the sake of Islam and said that she is now in the service of humanity. And of Allah AlmightySana Khan started her career in Bollywood with modeling, dance and acting. She also participated in Bigg Boss Season 6 of 2012 from where she got fame. Sana Khan's famous Bali Wood movies include Jay Ho, Wajah Tum Ho, Mambato Goa, Hilla Bol and Toilet. View this post on Instagram. . . Hope it helps you all to bring in the positive change so that we can be good human for this world n for our creator 🤲🏻 Your akhirat depends on how u lead ur life in this world. Let us use this life at its bestHope it helps you all to bring in the positive change so that we can be good human for this world n for our creator 🤲🏻 Your akhirat depends on how u lead ur life in this world. Let us use this life at its bestHope it helps you all to bring in the positive change so that we can be good human for this world n for our creator 🤲🏻 Your akhirat depends on how u lead ur life in this world. Let us use this life at its bestA post shared by Sana Khan (@ sanakhaan21) on Oct 16, 2020 at 3:05 am PDT
How did the life of Indian actress Sana Khan, who left showbiz for the sake of Islam, change?
byPakistan News
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