One Pandora's box after another is opening in Bollywood, now actress Leonia Lodh has accused well-known filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt of harassment and called him the biggest 'Dawn' of the film industry. Mahesh Bhatt, who was earlier highlighted in the media over the death of actress Sushant Singh Rajput, is facing serious charges this time. Leonia Lodh's nearly 2-minute video has opened a new Pandora's box on drug trafficking and the use of actors in Bollywood. The 29-year-old actress made several major revelations in a video made to protect herself and her family, including One of them is that she is the wife of Mahesh Bhatt's nephew Sumat Sabharwal and they have filed for divorce from her. He further said that Sumat Sabharwal provides drugs to many actresses like Sapna Pabbi and Amira Dastur. Mahesh Bhatt is well aware of all these actions of my husbandLodh also said that Mahesh Bhatt is the biggest 'Dawn' of Bollywood.
The one who runs the whole system of the industry, if you don't follow its rules, makes your life difficult, it has ruined the lives of many people by quitting work, people lose their jobs on one of its phones "Ever since I filed the case against Mahesh Bhatt, he has been threatening me, trying to enter my house and evict me from here," he said at the end of his video. Mahesh Bhatt, Mukesh Bhatt, Sumat Sabharwal, Sahil Sehgal and Kim Sehgal will be responsible if anything untoward happens to me or my family.
That people should know what all these people can do behind closed doors, especially Mahesh Bhatt who is very powerful and influential. Bhatt had directed.
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